Fall Family Sessions – a new leaf

I do not often offer family photo sessions.  Not because I do not enjoy them, simply because with my own kiddos I preferred to concentrate my time on my main passion, weddings and engagement sessions.  But this Autumn I found myself inspired and with my young ones being firmly ensconced in elementary school and my eldest of an age to be a responsible babysitter I opened up some dates to past wedding clients who have expanded their families as well as some of my own siblings and close friends.  And it was AMAZING!! Scouting new locations, having fun cuddling families together in gorgeous ways and something I rarely get a chance to do – photograph other folks kiddos!  I was kinda afraid they would not follow direction well.  My kids are used to me bugging them to sit this way, look over that way, smile, laugh, hug or whatever.  And I am used to bribing them with ice cream and let’s be honest here, using Mom-tone here and there to eek a few more minutes of cooperation out of them.  But these kids were amazing!  Ranging in age from toddlers to high schoolers they all blew me away. Not a single meltdown or even any trickly tears!  We played in new locations I fell in love with and even in my own backyard which turns into a golden wonderland on late Autumn afternoons.  Take a look at some of the laughter, love and joy filled moments.
